Online Lab Reports

Dear User.
kindly read the following instructions before contacting the support personnel.
  1. Only pathology reports are accessible online. Any other reports (ECG, Echo, X-Ray, Ultrasound, MRI, CT Scan) are not available via this site. For Radiology/Nuclear reports, kindly visit the hospital.
  2. Reports are viewable for a period of maximum six(6) months from invoice date.
  3. If you are accessing this site from behind a firewall, your server's firewall security might not allow you to open this page. Kindly contact your network administrator for further assistance.
  4. Please download and print your own reports. Support staff cannot email the reports.
  5. In case of any assistance, please feel free to contact hospital help line 091-9211430.
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Ayub teaching Hospital
Main Mansehra Road, Mandian Abbottabad.
Contact Us : +92-992-380871
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